I’m building tools to measure the climate footprint of cities.

You can’t manage what you can’t measure. The first step to making our buildings and cities more sustainable is quantifying what does and doesn’t work about them. My research focuses on city-scale climate metrics for energy, daylighting, and walkability. My goal is to enable the proliferation of clean energy and minimal footprint design in our built environment.


Simulation-based daylighting analysis procedure

A procedure to help planners formulate nuanced zoning rules, and designers develop better-performing massings.


A tangible interface for collaborative urban design

A tool to provide real-time feedback for a neighborhood’s environmental performance.

Lessons learnt from a simulation-based approach to teaching

Notes on teaching building performance simulation to architecture students in an introductory class.

The optimization potential of floor-plan typologies

Quantifying the significance of interior subdivisions on building performance simulation results.

Towards an energy simulation-informed design process

A case study on integrating environmental performance simulation workflows into design practice.